צפיות בכותרות
י' באלול התשע"ט
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▲︎ עוררו עניין
15:54:57 ◀︎ Iranian FM: Israel fighting Iran to the last American Soldier
15:57:17 ◀︎ Orly Levy-Abekasis: Religious Zionism has invented a new religion
15:57:17 ◀︎ Report: Netanyahu to promise sovereignty in Judea and Samaria
15:59:37 ◀︎ Motorcyclist hit by a vehicle in Tel Aviv
16:00:42 ◀︎ EU must be 'proactive and preventive' in fight against terror
16:05:10 ◀︎ Teachers' Union: Allocate resources to the education system
16:08:40 ◀︎ The Knesset will begin debates on the camera law tomorrow
16:22:50 ◀︎ Mike Huckabee: CNN is fake news
16:26:14 ◀︎ US Ambassador Friedman: 'Jews will forever remain in Land of Israel'
16:40:14 ◀︎ Liberman: Likud and Netanyahu are distributing Fake News against us
16:41:24 ◀︎ ANALYSIS: Covert war between Israel and Iran escalates
16:44:46 ◀︎ Bennett to hold chat with Zehut number 2 Gilad Alpert at 5:45 PM
16:58:37 ◀︎ Report: Jordan asks Israel to release two detained Jordanians
17:04:24 ◀︎ PM to make pre-election trip to Russia
17:04:24 ◀︎ Lebanon wants US to continue border mediation between them and Israel
17:07:39 ◀︎ PM's press statement moved to 6:00 PM
17:20:02 ◀︎ Rabbi Kanievsky campaigns for UTJ ahead of election
17:20:02 ◀︎ Rep. Larry Bucshon: Democrats should help pass USMCA
17:36:10 ◀︎ Will PM guarantee sovereignty? 'Palestinians' furious: 'Stupid move'
17:37:20 ◀︎ Ministry of Health: Dentists are authorized to inject Botox
17:53:29 ◀︎ US: We are open to negotiate with Iran without any pre-conditions
17:54:40 ◀︎ Facebook's terror-promoting partnership with Fatah
17:58:06 ◀︎ CNN: Median US household income stood at $$63,200 in 2018
18:01:41 ◀︎ Iranian Ambassador to the UK summoned to London
18:09:32 ◀︎ UK summons Iranian ambassador
18:15:17 ◀︎ Mike Pompeo, Steven Mnuchin and John Bolton to hold press conference
18:16:25 ◀︎ Meltzer rejects injunction to prevent PM 'dramatic announcement'
18:18:45 ◀︎ Shaked: Pass Sovereignty in Three Readings instead of Camera Law
18:20:59 ◀︎ Jordan Valley Council Head: PM is going to apply sovereignty to Valley
18:30:10 ◀︎ Live: Netanyahu makes 'dramatic statement
18:32:31 ◀︎ PM: Deal of the Century historic opportunity to apply sovereignty
18:37:10 ◀︎ PM: I will apply sovereignty to the Jordan Valley after the elections
18:42:50 ◀︎ MK Smotrich: In every election the PM makes promises
18:46:11 ◀︎ MK Haskell: I congratulate the PM on his decision
18:51:56 ◀︎ Yamina: Netanyahu's statement is a political "spin"
18:57:33 ◀︎ MK Zandberg: Netanyahu is selling Israel for immunity.
19:02:11 ◀︎ Liberman derides PM's announcement: 'A dramatic Announcement'
19:03:24 ◀︎ Trump fires US National Security Adviser John Bolton
19:05:42 ◀︎ Trump fires Bolton
19:13:42 ◀︎ Bennett: I welcome Netanyahu's promises, but they are just words
19:17:06 ◀︎ Bolton: I offered to resign and Trump said lets talk about it tommorow
19:26:11 ◀︎ FM Katz: I'm convinced the US will support the PM's plan
19:29:40 ◀︎ Shas MK: 'Benny Gantz joined hate discourse against haredim'
19:30:51 ◀︎ MK Ahmed Tibi: We must defeat Netanyahu
19:36:27 ◀︎ MK Nir Barkat: I congratulate PM on announcement
19:39:55 ◀︎ Min Galant: Applying sovereignty is vital to Israel's security needs
19:44:28 ◀︎ Democratic camp: Netanyahu violated Justice Melcer's decision
19:46:42 ◀︎ PA on Netanyahu's statement: He is burying the prospect of peace
19:50:12 ◀︎ CNN:Bolton got into major argument with Trump over Taliban
19:52:22 ◀︎ Senior US Official: The US has not changed its policy